Personal Information

 Teaching Assistant

Department of  Psychology

Faculty of Arts & Humanities

Contact Information

Phone: 0269520000 Ext. 63422


Aala'a Hussain Al-Shareef

 Teaching Assistant


   I had a bachelor degree in psychology from KAU in 2006

I believe that volunteering is the base of all cultures, so I worked as a psychologist in a center for children with special needs. Then, I worked for a month in a psychological counseling center. After that, I established a cultural club for teenage girls.

And currently I’m working on establishing supporting groups for patients with blood diseases.




  • 2006

    Bachelor degree from psychologyfaculty of arts and human scie, king Abdul aziz, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية


Research Interests

·         Psychological support for patients with blood diseases

·         The relationship between the mental health & the immune system



Scientific interests

·         Psychological support for patients with blood diseases

·         The relationship between the mental health & the immune system




Introduction to Psychology 211 psy
social psychology 351 psy
mental helth 343 psy

Areas of expertise